gdybyś był a nie bywał

Temat: MIOS Studio Beta Release
i think i m might be confused.... tk/tck/tcl was originally an X / X window based interface... not sure how that ties in with JAVA. there are versions of tcl/tk that also run on osx and windows now, pure data (open source version of max/msp, well, msp is a commercial port of pd) uses tcl/tk for it's gui software, i don't really think it ties in with java at all but it is truly cross platform. as Adam says, it would mean a total rewrite so may not be viable in this case, but for anyone wanting to write cross platform apps from the ground up it might be a good choice in conjunction with something like stk (c++ libraries for sound and midi) which also works on a wide...

Temat: Editer le mios ???
salut gabz Tiens nous au courant de tes avancĂŠes. :) Je v m'appreter Ă  commander un core avec pic contenant le bootloader. OĂą l'as tu acheter? J'ai programmĂŠ en assembleur, y a bien longtemps maintenant, et je v mis remettre pour m'amuser avec des capteurs et des controlleurs. midibox me semble interessante, j'aimerai la combiner avec pure data. ::) Quel programme permet de passer de .asm  Ă   .sys  et de le balancer dans le pic? ciao

Temat: Midibox Interfacing with flash.
there are objects for pure data which allow communication with flash.. pd accepts midi input so could possibly be used to mediate between the two, i think it's easier to use the midi port with your midibox if you have it hooked up like that, i couldn't tell from your post...

Temat: MIDIbox Linux Distro
I see what you mean. I'll probably try an older release now, F10 crashed twice while configuring Pure Data's audio settings, something about OSS and ALSA...  I'm starting to think that having a huge selection of programs and drivers like in ccrma is actually very confusing, at least for beginners.

Temat: Archive MIOS codes
yep nice ideea . . .. .as example, take a look at this page . . its about pure-data a graphical sound programming language . ... .all the externals people made . ..are listed there . . . . . noskule

Temat: Standalone E-drum
un idea ibrida ed alternativa: trovati un PC al limite della decenza, tipo un PIII, installaci linux con un kernel -rt, installa un sampler, sinte ladspa/dssi/vst o chissa Pure Data, aggiungi le dovute flags ai programmi in modo che partino automaticamente. Fatti magari un casing speciale perche sia piu portatile, aggiungici una midibox per controllare i vari parametri. Gia hai un sampler versatile per piu o meno 100 euro o meno. Potrai sempre usare VNC per cambiare i programmi o caricare samples da un altro computer. Dai un occhiata ai computer formato micro/nano atx. Simone

Temat: Live? MidiBox
Just thought I'd mention a couple of other choices folks here might want to look into. You can build your own live rig using a number of open source software synthesis/dsp/midi languages. Take a look at Pure Data ( PD ) and Csound. Both are 100% open source, one is graphical, the other command line. You'll have to put a lot more work into customizing your software than with something off the shelf like Live, but on the other hand it's easy to custom tailor exactly how you want it to respond to midi input, making it perfect for midibox related applications. Iain

Temat: MIDIbox CV - J5 Gate Outs Protection
hi all! first thx for this great midibox project! this is my favorite non-commercial... :) hmmm...i made some shorts last night and now my Gate1 is gone... :cat: everything is working except G1 from the PIC. i use all banana connectors... and this is not pure data :) i thinking about adding some extra diodes/1n4148 to the gates //4.3V is fine for driving my EG's// but i don't know its enough to protect the PIC. here is a pic of my midikannibal//AOUT+CORE cheers! p Attached File(s) l  MCV.JPG (151.75K) Number of downloads: 14 l

Temat: idea ("midi delay"). please help!
thanks for answering. the pure data site seems to be a bad link or maybe its just temporarily down.  :-[ I guess I better just get started learning mios and such... :-/ well i've been meaning to get into programming stuff so its good. the midi delay thing seems cool but It seems not the same as what i'm doing

Temat: Superpoly
kokoon:  i assume it routes midi notes + all the rest from one midi channel to separate channels for 4xmbsid to achieve 12note polyphony. or maybe not? That's right for midi notes and especially for NOTE OFFS. But not all the rest yet. Programm changes or controller data simply go thru. What means pure data?

Temat: Editer le mios ???
ok donc y en a pour une trentaine d'euros. combien de temps pour recevoir le core et le pic avec le bootload? si t'as pas eu de soucis en commandant à cette adresse, c cool. je ferai bientot de m^. je ferai aussi le module. g telechargÊ pure data et g commencÊ à programmer. g qq connaissance dans la prog. graphique, comme le log. labview. mais bon ça fait longtemps que g programmÊ; j'attend d'avoir un core pour faire du concret. skeleton, bien, c pour pc. g un mac mais il va me falloir un pc pour bricoler. bon on verra ça. et perl, le site est en anglais. ça sert à quoi. ciao 8)

Temat: Superpoly
pure data is a free max/msp cousin for windows and linux. pretty similar to reactor but more low-level. and you don't get that much fancy interface widgets. go check

Temat: TK - ever considered the VCA leak "fix"?
by stopping the OSCs? i've made a simple patchin pd ( pure data) for this - if no note is played then OSC1/2/3 is set to i think 16 (off) but then the patch must have the OSCs set to what they need to be in the wavetable. still it's useful. but if this was implemented in the application it could just automatically set OSCs back to what they're set in the patch when a note is played and the OSCs are stopped (to minimize popping artifacts). i searched the forum and the only reply of yours i found was somehting along the lines...

Temat: MIDIbox FM preview II
hi Thorsten, thanks for writing... the wavetables sound promising..i have been playing with wavetables in pure data lately, in pd it is possible to draw the waveforms with the mouse (and to draw way outside of the graph for some extreme gains etc.). i am not very familiar with yamaha fm.. my friend dave has had a dx7 for years.. he told me once about using noise as a starting point for analogue style synthesis.. i'm not sure what he meant but i have been trying it lately on the micro modular.. first thing i found was that modulating an operator all the way with white noise makes...

Temat: SEQV3=total recall
There's always pd (puredata) pure data is cake to program awesome things, can jack into just about anything (especially in linux) and it's free!

Temat: Superpoly
i can make this in pd ( pure data) if anyone really needs it.

Temat: Quel type de midi box faites vous?
...interactives. g vu sur "interface Z" des modules midi ana/num a base de pic et des capteurs. Je pense que le module "core" peut mettre plus utile. Je pourrai ajouter des applis en assembleur a la suite du mios via le bootstrap loader. Il va falloir que je me remette a l'assembleur, ça fait bien longtemps. cool. L'idÊe c'est de regarder les entrÊes num et ana d'envoyer ces infos vers le Mac de les traiter avec " Pure data". Ensuite envoyer des donnÊes au "Core" pour controller des moteurs pas a pas et autres gradateurs...etc. Y en a t-ils qui ont fabriquÊ le "core" pour travailler avec "

Temat: Pure Data - muzyka od podstaw
Przegladajac artykuly na pewnym innym forum, natknalem sie na pewna ciekawostke, ktora mnie zaintrygowala, a mianowicie Pure Data. Jak sie pewnie domyslacie lub tez nie, jest to program do syntezy dzwieku. Zapytacie, co jest w nim takiego niepowtarzalnego ? A otoz to, ze dzwiek tworzy sie w nim od podstaw, i nie chodzi mi tu o krecenie juz gotowymi pokretlami. Tutaj samemu tworzy sie syntezatory ! Ogranicza nas jedynie nasza wyobraznia ;-) Na poczatku widzimy tylko biala przestrzen, cos na podobienstwo edytora tekstu "notatnik". Aby PD w ogole wydal jakis dzwiek, musimy...

Temat: programming with max/pd...
hello... traditional programming sometimes makes my brain hurt ;-), but lately i've been using pure data (open source version of max/msp) to make my own midi effects and that sort of thing.. since

Temat: Xylophone
I think he's driving it with Pure:Data, which can be downloaded for free, though can be a bit of a handful on small machines. It's in the Pure:dyne 'boot from the CD' Linux too. Juts how big a monitor had he got?? You can drive eight of those solenoids from a simple parallel port interface, though you'll need a driver chip, or transistors, and an external supply.

Temat: Xylophone
You can drive eight of those solenoids from a simple parallel port interface, though you'll need a driver chip, or transistors, and an external supply. Mike, why drive the solenoids from parallel port with pure data using transistors or better ULN2803 when you can hook it on DOUT and have all benefits of MIDI coming from any midi soft rhythm machine or better from MBSEQ. I tried mine relay on MB64 with midi feedback script added to Ableton Live, and it worked great! Only thing is the relay is not the best for this job, better something simpler like those from the video. I found exactly like those from video at Farnell as Pay_c pointed but they are pretty expensive if you need...

Temat: idea ("midi delay"). please help!
i've made something a bit like this using pure data.. a midi programming thing similar to max/msp..
